Project (2003)
Technical rider 1- Short description of "Project", in relation to the technical setting The stage is used as stage and as sports field. 4 goals are materialized by 8 sound monitors (2 stage left, 2 stage right, 2 fronts, 2 back).
The 14 to 20 performers go back and forth from the stage/field to their waiting position located in the first row of audience seats (which has in consequence to be blocked to the spectators).
Those ways between first row and stage have to be fast (they "jump" into the game). The ideal situation is when stage and first raw for the audience are at the same level. In case of a high stage, a step has to be build on the whole width of the stage (ideal is when stage and first row for the audience are at the same level).
As the performers need to communicate directly with the person running sound and light during the show, light- and soundboard have also to be installed in the first row of audience seats.
2- Technical description, material list
- minimum stage: 16 m wide by 14 m deep.
- grey or white marley, very clean, on the whole stage.
- when the walls around the stage allow it (aesthetically), no curtains. When not, straight black box, no wings.
- in the case of a high stage, a step has to be build on the whole width of the stage, on a height of the half of the stage's height, and around 60 cm deep (to be discuss according to each situation).
- no access for the audience to the 1st row of seats which is used for the performers and the technical booth (right or left according to the access for the entrance of the audience).
- an access to dressing rooms is necessary during the show from the backstage right and/or left. 4 to 6 linear meters of clothes hangers have to be set in those dressing rooms.
- some glow tape for markings.
- a strong and homogenous white wash on the whole stage.
- light on the audience controlled from the light board.
- in the case of a black box, blue lights behind the curtains on dimmer.
An appropriate list of material and light plot will be established for each venue
Lightning-Plan as Pdf-file: (download) 2.C-Sound
- 8 identical monitors around 60 cm high. As part of the set they really have to be identical. they are used by pairs and materialize the goals of the games played onstage (2 stage left, 2 stage right, 2 front, 2 back) . They are also used as real sound monitors.
Remark: the balls used to play are soft balls, there is no risk to damage the speakers
- a frontal PA system for the audience room
- 2 cd players (burned cd friendly !)
- 2 voice mikes (type SM 58) on stands (front stage right and left)
- 2 wireless voice mikes
- an area of about 8 m by 2 m, around 3 m from the 0 line of front stage has to be amplified by atmosphere mikes (appropriate solutions will be considered for each venue)
- mixboard installed in the first row fo audience, not too big is important, digital (yamaha O3D for instance) is good
3- Timetable D-2: set up
D-1: morning: set up, afternoon: general rehearsal
D: technical corrections and rehearsal, evening: performance
4- Précisions An extra rehearsal space should be available on days D-1 and D when the stage is not available
Dressing rooms for 14 to 19 dancers.
Access to washing machine, dryer and ironing device.
1 liter water per day and per person
Duration of the piece: ca. 60 min.
No access for late spectators after the beginning of the show.
Please note: The piece "Project" is registered at the SACD, France.
The Music is registerd at GEMA (for Germany).
Music: Composer: Léonard de Léonard. Album: "Léonizer Fever". Title: "Crack it". Disc: Léonard de Léonard, Léonizer Fever-P&C FreeComplex 2003 / Editions musiques hybrides – 7 compactés.
Music compagnie: free Cx / MH. Duration: 2 min. 46 sec.